Enver Hasanoğlu – MD.; FAAP; General Secretary of TNPS, UMEMPS; President of UNIPSTR; President - Elect of IPA

From book "Lo Zibaldone del terzo millennio" (Salvatore Vendemmia, Maria Vendemmia), Cuzzolin Ed., 2020

First of all, I would like to thank my dear friend Prof. Salvatore Vendemmia for giving me the chance to write in this book. I graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1969. In 1973, I graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine as a specialist in Pediatrics. In addition to being a pediatrician and conducting academic activities, I worked in positions of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the Rector of the Gazi University. I have participated in national and international scientific organizations (Fig. 1). I had been on the board of the IPA (International Pediatric Association). In March 2019, I was elected as the next IPA president in Panama (Fig. 2, 3). I was the president of the Turkish National Pediatric Society (TNPS); I am still working as a secretary-general.

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